Store Policies

Customer Care

We want you and your recipient(s) to be happy with the products you purchase from Center & Main. In the unlikely event you are unsatisfied with a gift or an item once it has been delivered, please feel free to email us within 72 hours of the delivery at: We will do our best to resolve the issue.

We treat every item sold and shipped as a gift, therefore no invoices or receipts are ever included.

Privacy & Safety

What information does Center & Main collect?

We may collect personal information from you such as your name, email, postal address, phone number, and credit card number when you visit our website. Your credit card information is processed by our merchant processor, then deleted from all records.

How does Center & Main use my information?

We may use your personal information in the following ways:

  • To process and fulfill your order
  • To communicate with you, and send you information via email
  • To contact you if necessary

Does Center & Main share my information?

Your privacy is important to us. All information collected on this website is solely used for the purpose of processing your order and enhancing customer service. Under no circumstances will your information ever be given to, or sold to a third party. We may disclose your personal information if we are required by law to do so, or if you violate our Terms of Service.

Payment Methods


Payment is due at the time of order. Center & Main accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Venmo, and Cash for in store pickup.


Substitution Policy


We will make every effort to maintain consistency on our advertised products. However, from time to time some of our items are limited due to demand or may be discontinued and may not be available. When this occurs, we reserve the right to substitute an item with one of equal or greater value, without notice and without any additional cost to you. You agree to occasional substitutions by placing your order with us.